Sunday, April 07, 2024

How to play the Game of Life

Cricket is the game of life. Cricket teaches you how to play the game of life. In this regard, my most profound teaching came from legendary Clive Lloyd, who won two first consecutive world cups for the West Indies and groomed many giants of Cricket, including Andy Roberts, Micheal Holding, Malcolm Marshall, and bigger-than-life Sir Alexander Vivian (the King) Richard. He once described his attitude toward playing Cricket in the following words (not exact words, though).

"Once we make the strategy for the match against a particular team, I usually stay in the dressing room, either taking a nap or doing other things. When it's my turn to bat, I walk into the field. First, I look at the weather and the wind to know how the ball may swing. Then, I look at the scoreboard. Knowing this, I play each ball to its merit. This attitude never deceived me."

Approaching every event, issue, action, and problem in life to its merit keeps a person going. It's not worth worrying too much about success or failure.

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