Monday, May 13, 2024

One common mistake

 Most of people, even publications, speak/write the following shyr of Ghalib:

The actual radeef is:

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Inflation or Greed?

 I go to 'Whole Foods' regularly, which means once every five years!!!

It is called Whole Foods because it costs you a whole paycheck.

This time, I ended up in Whole Foods because I had to return stuff to Amazon. I met an elderly gentleman who was almost 85-90 years old. As I vined about unreasonably high prices on the shelves, he smiled and said:

"Our Federal government thinks it's all due to inflation. No, my son, this is all due to the greed of big chain corporations and business owners who jacked up prices in the pandemic, digested all government loans without paying them back, and now don't want to bring prices back down. It's not inflation; it's all greed." 

Sunday, May 05, 2024

One great shyr

زُلفیں ، سینہ ، ناف ، کمر

ایک ندی میں کتنے بَھنور

"جاں نثار اختر" 

Thursday, May 02, 2024


I feel particularly privileged to have had good teachers from elementary till post-graduation. During my internship (house job) back in my previous life in Pakistan, one of our junior professors, who had recently returned from England after pursuing MRCP, had an immense passion for teaching. Once he said,

"As a doctor, you are obliged to teach and pass on knowledge to the juniors. The word doctor derives from the Latin word “docere,” meaning "to teach."