Tuesday, October 04, 2005

On "evil of alarm clock"

One of the evils of the modern age is the alarm clock. Once you wake up with trrrrrrrrr of an alarm clock, your mind suddenly loses inner touch with your subconscious. Making a habit of waking up by yourself while slowly coming from a semi-sleep state to an awake state keeps you a more non-materialist person in life - as the whole day you don't lose your focus from your inner to outer "maya" world.

Also, try this - as you get into the habit of waking up by yourself - you will wake up with easy and more peaceful solutions and answers to many difficult situations in your life.

(No, I am not crazy)!!

1 comment:

Aisha said...

Interesting perspective. I think with the alarm clock you are awaken to a sense of urgency as you get up and get things together without much reflection or thought. If only it was easy enough to come out of sleep naturally when you need to get up.