Saturday, September 30, 2006

On 'one unique friendship'

After a long time, I made a special trip to see a childhood friend. Even after a gap and silence of 25 years, there was no need to connect. Miles apart, we grew on the same frequency. Time was unable to make a single dent. Eating quail meat at 'kababish,' sitting near the lake at Fairmount Park, and roaming on streets of Philadelphia, we talked about everything. We ate the best cheese steak in the USA together.

Now looking back....25 years ago, I remember when I first saw him- I said to myself: "How come I know this guy?'

Did we know each other even before we met? How come all our friends, when falling apart, grew on different axes except us?



Freda said...

Cuz all those other friends think you're wayyy too emo

mystic said...

Do I sound too emotional through my writings?