The translation is mine and done at 2 in the morning - so all apologies!!
Nobody takes acts of (only) a crazy man serious
You are not psychotic & neurotic yet and that's your sin
As far as heart is connected to heart, love exits
Garden will blossom till breeze is blowing here
Thanks, my good and evil is not related to you
I still have thousand old enemies who stay with me
Closed tears of my heart will not open without beloved
Though there are one & thousand (many) knot-solvers here
I have buyer of my deeds everywhere
But value of my all acts are not accepted here
حریفِ صافی و دُردی نہ ای خطا اینجاست
تمیزِ ناخوش و خوش می کُنی بلا اینجاست
You are not a candidate/capable for drinking clean or dirty - and that's your sin
You make a distinction between happiness and unhappiness - and that's your evil
بغیرِ دل ھمہ نقش و نگار بے معنیست
ھمیں ورق کہ سیہ گشتہ مدّعا اینجاست
Without heart all decoration is meaningless
(and your) this page (heart) is black, that's the whole thing
ز فرق تا قَدَمَش ہر کجا کہ می نگرَم
کرشمہ دامنِ دل می کشَد کہ جا اینجاست
From head to toe wherever I glance
The miracle in my heart says each place is my destination
The miracle in my heart says each place is my destination
خطا بہ مردمِ دیوانہ کس نمی گیرَد
جنوں نداری و آشفتہ ای خطا اینجاست
Nobody takes acts of (only) a crazy man serious
You are not psychotic & neurotic yet and that's your sin
ز دل بہ دل گذَری ہست، تا محبت ہست
رہِ چمن نتواں بست تا صبا اینجاست
As far as heart is connected to heart, love exits
Garden will blossom till breeze is blowing here
بدی و نیکیِ ما، شکر، بر تو پنہاں نیست
ہزار دشمنِ دیرینہ، آشنا اینجاست
Thanks, my good and evil is not related to you
I still have thousand old enemies who stay with me
سرشکِ دیدۂ دل بستہ بے تو نکشایَد
اگرچہ یک گرہ و صد گرہ کشا اینجاست
Closed tears of my heart will not open without beloved
Though there are one & thousand (many) knot-solvers here
بہ ہر کجا رَوَم اخلاص را خریداریست
متاع کاسِد و بازارِ ناروا اینجاست
I have buyer of my deeds everywhere
But value of my all acts are not accepted here
ز کوئے عجز نظیری سرِ نیاز مَکَش
ز ہر رہے کہ درآیند انتہا اینجاست
Nazeeri! don't raise your humble head from circle of humility
(Does not matter) Whatever route he comes from - is the end here
Nazeeri! don't raise your humble head from circle of humility
(Does not matter) Whatever route he comes from - is the end here
Thank you very much!
I was not aware you knew farsi too!
Mehnaz, I don't know Farsi. I was forced to take basic Farsi in school for two years, and all of these words are frequently used in Urdu. I can just put them together. This is unfortunate that such a giant poet, who is a torch-bearer to other giants is unknown to Urdu-readers.
Strange coincidence: I also took Farsi for two years in Middle school (Incidentally I mostly stood first in my class)
I agree with what you are saying Mystic
But I find this poetry difficult to understand even though the words are so simple
May be I am out of touch
I have nobody to share Farsi in my location and you two are the only ones I must admit
Uncle: it is just reading poetry.. and I took some help from Urdu/Farsi lugat
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