Friday, August 16, 2024

preconceived notion

 Humans are strange. If we have a preconceived notion, we can't see self-evident things.

A month ago we had a mild storm in our city. We were unlucky to have a tree fall on the electricity grid. We, all in the neighborhood, thought it would take 4-5 days before power gets restored. Similar were the announcements from local city councilors and leaders.

Two days later, when I woke up, the TV screen was on with messages like Wifi=disabled, portal=off, etc.

I was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV screen, still thinking power was out, as my brain already believed that it would take at least a couple more days for power to be restored.

It took me 30 minutes to realize that if the TV screen is on with all such messages, my Wi-Fi signal on my iPhone is visible, then the power should be back. Indeed it was. 

Preconceived notions and beliefs turn human minds very blind to apparent things.


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