Thursday, April 27, 2023

Nostalgia of old days

 A friend posted this beautiful line during our group chat:

ہم اُس دور کی پیداوار ہیں جب دروازوں پر بیل بجانے کی بجائے دستک دینے کا رواج تھا اور ہر شخص کے دستک دینے کا انداز انگوٹھے کے نشان اور ہاتھ کے دستخط کی طرح مختلف ہوتا تھا۔

We are the generation where tradition was to knock on the door, and each individual has their signature mark of the style of knocking, like a unique thumbprint or hand signature.



bsc said...

Yeah and we have instructions from the prophet how to do it as well as in Quran Majeed

mystic-soul said...

3 times I think...