Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Sweets of adversity

I visited Dallas for a Pakistani physicians meeting on July 4 to meet some old friends. Sitting with cigars and wine late at night, we shared many of our inner thoughts. Discussion, as expected, turned to moving to the West to find green pastures and to beat adversities back home. One friend made this beautiful comment:

In that process of progress & evolving yourself, you lose a big part of yourself, which you intentionally traded off for that Success, & then wonder if it was worth it. My dad's famous impromptu 'Sweets are the uses of adversity which, like a toad, though ugly & venomous, still bears a jewel on his head.'


bsc said...

That is nice
I have enjoyed like this years ago None of my friends goes for meetings anymore
But the memories of such meetings remain fresh
I had attended Pakistan meetings in KEM college onits 100th anniversary as well as 125th
I dont recognize any names of Pak physicians anymore

Aly said...

Mystic, do all of them feel they ended up making a right decision or not.

mystic-soul said...

Uncle: I went to this meeting after a gap of 5 years but was disheartened by the APPNA politics

Aky: I am glad I heard from you. Yes, the way Pakistan is nowadays, they all are happy to be here.