Monday, November 27, 2006


If you have read Shakespeare's Othello, you would know how gossip, jealousy, misunderstandings, and emotional factors can blind the human mind to something so obvious.

She was in love with him. They planned to get married every summer. But, every time, he chicken out of commitment. She knew there was something he wanted to say but had difficulty communicating due to an unknown fear factor. And one day, she discovered what it was when she found needles and syringes in the glove compartment of his car. She accepted that he is addicted to drugs, as suggested by her friends and circumstances. Now she was able to connect a lot of dots from his behavior. Naturally, she broke up with him and walked away without saying a word. She refused to answer his calls, deleted emails without reading them, and so forth. The trust was broken. Years later, she came to know that she was dead wrong. He was an insulin-dependent diabetic.


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