Friday, February 12, 2010

What kind of difference have I made!

One of my all time favorite movie: "About Schmidt". Following scene of Jack Nicholson has been regarded as one of his best work done. Indeed it is worth listening!

"Dear Ndugu,- you'll be glad to know that Jeannie's wedding came off without a hitch. Right now, she and Randall are on their way to sunny Orlando,- on my nickle, of course. As for me, I'm headed back to Omaha. I'm driving straight through this time, and I've made only one stop. The impressive new archer over the interstate in Corney, Nebraska. An arch that commemorates the courage and determination of - the pioneers who cross the state on their way west. You've really got to see it to believe it. And it... kind of got me thinking, - looking at all that history and, reflecting on the achievement - of people long ago kind of...put things into perspective. My trip to Denver, for instance is so insignificant compared to - the journeys that others have taken, - the bravery that they have shown, - the hardships they've endured. I know we are all pretty small in the big scheme of things. And I supposed the most you can hope for - is to make some kind of difference. What... what kind of difference have I made? What in the world is better because of me? When I was out in Denver, I tried to do the right thing,- tried to convince Jeannie, she was...making a big mistake but...I failed. Now she is married to that lincoln poop and there is nothing I can do about it. I am... weak. And I am a failure. There is just no getting around it. Relatively soon, I will die. Maybe in 20 years... maybe tomorrow...It doesn't matter. Once I am dead, and everyone who knew me dies too, a little - be as though I never even existed. What difference is my life made to anyone ? None that I can think of. None... at all. Hope things are fine with you. Yours truly... Warren Schmidt.

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