Monday, March 22, 2010

Laaii Hayat Aaye Qaza le chali chale

One of my all time breathtaking ghazal of Ustad Ibrahim Zauq sung so well by Bhupinder Singh. It has real human psychological reaction towards death. One shair of this ghazal is my favorite which is not in video

Kum honge is bisat pe hum jese bud-qimar
jo chaal hum chale so nihayat buri chale


bsc said...

اپنی خوشی سے آئے نہ اپنی خوشی چلے
لائ حیات آئے قضا لے چلی چلے
Hard to beat that
tough reminder and sung so well with slow rhythm, very apt and moving poignant.
I am out of touch with music and singers so I have not heard this name before.
Nicely displayed. But I am taken over by Pakistan day today which is no less poignant story.
یعنی بجائے مبارک کہنے کے ماتم کرنے کو جی چاہتا ھے

mystic said...

I think I developed psychological block. I thought about Pakistan day and than just blocked any further thoughts.

bsc said...

I needed that 'block' also.
You must have heard
یاد ماضی عذاب ھے یارب
چھین لے مجھ سے حافظہ میرا

mystic said...

its unfortunate