Saturday, July 31, 2010

2 inner wolves

(I have posted this before on blog 2/3 years ago. But I think this is an important lesson in life to get reminded again and again).

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 wolves inside us all."

"One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."

"The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather Which wolf wins?

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


mezba said...

As relevant and beautiful story today as it was 2/3 years ago!

mystic said...

Hey Mezba! Thanks for stopping by. I do visit your page on and off and saw pics of your recent trip to Chicago...