Monday, June 14, 2021


One of my nephews has a three-year-old girl. They visited my place just for a couple of hours in my city around eight months ago. The little girl left her doll at my home. Later that night, her mother called to inquire about the doll as the girl kept crying on the airplane. I got the baby girl on Facetime and promised her that I would find her doll. I took it for granted—and completely forgot. We all forgot. 

A week ago, I visited them. As soon as I entered the house, the little girl asked, "Did you find my doll?"

At least to say, I was ashamed, I was embarrassed, and I was apologetic.

When I flew back, the first thing I did was look for her doll. I found it. I FedEx it. She finally got her doll today :)

Someone said, "Every child you encounter is a divine appointment."



bsc said...

Children, all of them, American, English Pakistani Indians
Their most coveted possessions are their toys.
Ther are their world
Something, their own
So when they show you , share with you talk to you about their toys
Listen carefully share the joy with them, SERIOUSLY
They are sharing their world with you because they feel you are their closest friend

mystic-soul said...

Sooo true.
Soooo true