Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I follow Dr. Shariq Ali's social media postings, musings, and write-ups. I loved one of his posts, so I'm sharing it (he allows it). 

During today's walk, my eyes fell on this bench. Like a storyteller, it whispered in my ear. The tale of two old men who sat there for a few moments, reminiscing about forgotten memories and fears of the future. The hidden hopes in the sparkling conversations of two lovers. The story of a lonely person’s silent regret over past mistakes and the sorrowful remorse over lost love.

It felt as if the silence of this bench was an echo. An echo of human emotions—love, hope, regret, and contemplation.

Shariq Ali
Dunmow, Essex 



bsc said...

Shairq saheb; mashaAllah what ene eye opening observation applicable to any one and yes I felt very personal

mystic-soul said...

He is a fabulous person on social media related to literature