Saturday, June 08, 2024

God's mysterious way of working

"I never wanted to travel to India in a hot and humid summer. I was left with no choice when I had to go and finish some last-minute signatures on a property my father sold. I never returned to India since I came here 22 years ago. On my day of landing, my father's very close friend, who was like another father figure for me till I left for the USA, died. 

What makes this strange is when I was leaving for the USA, Chacha Gaurav had said: "Wish I can see you once before I die, and if I can not see you, for some reason, I hope you give lite (Chita) to my body for my Antim Kirya. And I replied: "Don't say that. But if it comes to that, and if All mighty willing, I will be there".


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