Saturday, November 18, 2006

2 posts

Lately while browsing blogs following 2 posts left deep marks on my thoughts...I am just putting little abstracts here, click if you desire to read the whole post:

1. Backbiting from Koonj
"..........It’s a tough one, backbiting. It’s a major sin. It consumes the virtue of a person faster than fire eats dry wood. And it’s a sin greater than fornication. How often we’d think before committing the latter, and how little we think before backbiting. The Quran equates backbiting with the eating of your brother’s flesh. Here’s a helpful creepy anecdote to help us (me especially) with the tough one.
My sister and her ex-husband used to backbite about this certain woman “P” quite frequently. One night, she dreamed that they were eating "P", really just gorging on her flesh. “here, here’s a tender piece, try this one!”

2. Beyond Parental Sin from Truth and; Beauty
"I read about an experiment done to gauge infant chimps’ needs for maternal care and bonding in a college psychology class . The babies were exposed to “mothers” made of wires, spikes and the occasional electric shock. Traumatized though they were by a mother-figure who hurt them, was unresponsive, and cold to the touch, the infants continued to cling needily, unable to thrive physically and emotionally but unable to let go either. That experiment, in all its cruelty and horror, has stuck in my mind for years. I’m not a parent, but, rather, a mostly absent and preoccupied aunt. I don’t really understand the profound love, imposition of adult will, frustration, or patience of parenting. But by looking at my parents and at my sisters, who are both now mothers, I see a little more clearly how awesome a responsibility having a child is, how it is a nurturing that never ends, even when children grow into adulthood and move away.............................."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for connecting :)
Warm thoughts your way ...