Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aik choti si nazam



usman said...

lolz cool sharing!

mystic said...

I liked the underlying message of poverty!

Anonymous said...

How is there an underlying message of poverty here, can you explain please? I have been obsessing over it for the longest time, and cannot figure it out...

mystic-soul said...

Dear Anonymous: This poem is about poverty.

Chicken is happy that she gave birth to egg (her baby).

Rooster replied: "Yes! you have a beautiful baby"

But chicken says: " YES! I have a beautiful baby but I don't even have shoes to wear (how I will take care of my baby in such poverty)

Rosster advised: "Selll your baby"

(This is very common in poor countries to sell their kids due to poverty - This poem is all about that)

Make sense?