Saturday, March 28, 2009


Parenting should be a privilege, not a right!


bsc said...

Tracy Hogg writes in her book "Secrets of Baby whispering"

" On a day to day basis parenting is a tough sometimes scary, constantly demanding and often unrewarding job."
It seems to be true on the face of it, but there are various types of fathers and mothers. (see my recent Mother's blog)
The rewards...hmmm, there are much too many for many a parents. Parents of M. Ali Jinnah, of Iqbal, Of Muhammad Bin Qasim, of---and so many you can name.
Well those are some rewards in my judgement that can excel any limits. The way you look at it.

mystic said...

Very true...

But sometime you see or read news of some parents, you will disgusted....Its very frustrating to see irresponsible parents..