Monday, February 08, 2010

The ability to say No!

I took my son for Karate class. As they finished their class they all have free packets of juice. My son bypassed the table to exit. I ask him to get juice box. He said: "No!'. I insisted again: "Take it beta! its free". He again said: "No!". His karate teacher was standing there. He interjected: "Its good. He knows to say No!"


mao said...


Anonymous said...

"Take it beta! its free" (Typical desi mind)

Anonymous said...

I wish I too could say 'no' more often!

mystic-soul said...

Even now its hard for me to say "NO". Its not easy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know it very off-topic, but... do you speak urdu? I need someone to translate me a part of a song in urdu i found on youtube.

mystic said...

Yes..send me at

Anonymous said...

All right. I'll send it to you now.

mystic said...

Dear Annonymous: I watched it. Its too religious, extremist and political for me. Please excuse me and find someone else to translate.

Anonymous said...

all right, no problem. Thanks anyway!

Saeed Ehsan said...

i wish i had this ability to say NO... it saves much...