Saturday, August 17, 2019

Social media, echochamber and populism

Now I am getting convinced that social media has done more harm to human societies than good.

The psychological attestations from 'likes,' comments resonating similar view, suggestions on whom to follow and background play of profiling and grouping of humans is a dangerous phenomenon. It very quickly throws a human into an unseen cult, turning them blind to the outer world. These dangerous echo-chambers convince a group of humans that other humans are wrong.

These echo-chambers of social media are playing a considerable role in mass-shootings in the USA. Since the last ten days, I have a pleasure of watching Indians and Pakistanis going nuts over each other after new Kashmir events, losing all lines of decencies. Unfortunately, these social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms have put humans blind to humans on another side of the aisle/border.

Nothing concerns me more today than this form of cult-ness culminating into black nationalism and populism creating a digital neo-nazi within each individual. The sad part is that it is making humans to justify war, killings, and harm to other humans in their head.

You may browse many articles on this. Here is one


bsc said...

You are absolutely correct and I have been aware of this filth for a long time
In this regard I want to suggest you a book called Shallows a very entertaining and eye opening book discussing the effects of internet on human brain and he has written like a neurologist though he is not a doctor
He has traced the history of human speech and writing in detail very informative book- a must read for person like you

Z-ki-Diary said...

Ordered today via Amazon Prime.