Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hafiz Shirazi says

Hamare lafz hi hamara kirdar ban jaate hain


bsc said...

Lot of quotes and soofiana ghazals from hafez Now I am writing one verse Mahnaz baitee sent me to explain and I cannot translate inspite of words being so simple If you cannot find a farsi daan maybe somebody else may
زفرق تا بہ قدم ہر کجا کہ می نگرم
کرشمہ دامن دل می کشد کہ جا اینجاست

bsc said...

I sus pect this is from Hafez but not certain

mystic-soul said...

Uncle: You may be right. There are so many verses I read on internet, attributed to Allama Iqbal, which are not!!