Saturday, August 22, 2020


(the content of the following post is graphic) 

 I was born and raised in the slums of Bogota (Columbia), in an area called San Cristobal. I grew with drugs, gangs, prostitution, kidnapping, ransom, gambling, and all the evils of poverty. We were called 'ganchos.' I was respected from early on due to my courage and terror. Soon I rose to the level of Don. Now let me correct you, we were evils of the society but a blessing for the neighborhoods. We provided free food, secured 'ollas,' gave church donations, and brought education to children. I enjoyed getting indulged in alcohol, drugs, and women. Over time, bad habits start taking a toll on my health. To sustain my manly prowess, I start using a higher and higher dose of viagra. One night, we kidnapped a girl of another gang half of my age. She was pretty Hispanic lolita. As I was trying to perform, and she lay her legs open, I could not get any movement in my genital. She starts laughing. She picked gun from the side table, put on my head, and said - "You are already dead, loser." And she kept laughing. It was a blow. I never respected women. I didn't even respect women in my family, including my mother. As I came out of the room, I was sweating. I didn't tell anyone. It was such a hit. I never lost to dreaded gangs, policia, or any danger what so ever. To be a loser to a Chiquita was a huge blow. I learned power never lasts. Sooner or later, another powerful will replace you. I quietly left the town. I worked on farms in California. I married and adopted two kids. Last year I got diagnosed with unusual cancer. I will die soon. A Muslim man once told me that in their holy book, it is written that in the end, we all are losers. I didn't bow to all mighty. I might never. I still have questions unanswered about injustice on this earth. But I learned life is a peace only when you lie low. No power, no viagra, or no gun works - only love and good deeds to humans around you.

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