Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time out!

This is a common practice to give 'time out' to children if they don't behave, make mistakes or do something undesirable in the eyes of parents. This act of giving 'time out' is from the universal concept of "Reward & Punishment". Personally, I don't believe on idea of "time out". I think, it harms kid psychology more than helping their character. It tells them that making mistake is wrong. Psychologically, they get more prone to find escape rather than to stay and face adversaries of life. I think, it make them their all life to 'please' their parents. God forbid! if they get use to 'time out' (and don't get it) - parents may not be there to guide or save them.

Unfortunately, real life doesn't give "time out" - you deal with it!!


bsc said...

Time out is a method of making the child realize the mistake. If it does not work (does not give desirable results) it should be replaced with some other of your choice.
Not punishing (some psychologists will have you believe is good)is dangerous. Not until the child has the communication process established that he/she can be given an explanation, "that is not right because it produces such and such harm and therefore must not be done"
If such explanation will work without punishment it may be right but in each case the parent must establish that communication with effects observed to be positive and that method would be OK for them. I do not blame the method by itself because each child-parental relationship in each family is different. What I am saying, there is no single panacea.

mystic said...

I agree -- one line says everything

" there is no single panacea"