Tuesday, August 02, 2011

EI and Ethics!

In last 15 years one term became very popular called "Emotional Intelligence" (EI). I believe I have talked about it before on this blog here. Personally, I was shocked when few years ago I was tested during my interview at one of the huge health care chain.

Couple of weeks ago while in travel I picked one magazine and encountered an interesting article. Author was an Ottawa based freelance journalist Jennifer Campbell. She argued about the dark side of EI with references of some credible studies. Allegedly people with high EI can be very manipulative and can harm or use people around to fulfill their own needs and gain benefits. Keeping ethics aside, they are worried only about their social climb. In nutshell, people with EI are only valuable if they come with values of honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness.

(I tried but was unable to find electronic version of her article but here is similar article click).

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