Friday, August 18, 2017

Wisdom of Queen Sheba

I was not much aware of Queen Sheba and her fertile Kingdom until I visited Fernbank Museum of Natural History at Atlanta for my daughter's school project. On one of our previous post on movie "Dunkirk", saugoree uncle mentioned her wisdom on war. (His blog post here).

I need to be honest to say that I never paid attention to the depth of the story of Queen Sheba and King Solomon. It has been described in most abrahamic religions. Uncle pointed out an extremely important part of the story with reference to Surah Al-namal (chapter of Ants # 27).

When she was challenged by King Solomon for war - and as her ministers said that we are strong to take them on, She wisely said: "Indeed kings - when they enter a city, they ruin it and render the honored of its people humbled. And thus do they do. But indeed, I will send to them a gift and see with what (reply) the messengers will return. (ayat #34,35)"

It is so true. Every time a king or an aggressor invade a country or a city - they do nothing but loot, plunder and destroy the pride and respect of its culture and people.

(It reminded me of poem of Hasan Abidi Halaku ab jo tum Baghdad aao ge (here). 
I did loose english translation of poem Halaku when you will come to Baghdad (here)


Eyeare said...

Original Sin (!!!!)

mystic-soul said...

Eyeare,Yes - Asim Butt? - right? - OMG

Here it is

bsc said...

yES i REMEMBER THAT POSTING BECAUSE i WAS SO HURT BY ALL THE KILLINGS IN iRAQ ESPECIALLY. i JUST SAW AN ARTICLE THAT made study, almost 2 million Muslims have been killed after nine eleven. Was that calculated? planned?
There are other medical studies of the effects of bombing (of all types) resulting in new-borns with congenital defects and a recent study in Gaza showing high metal contents of mothers and babies in war times
Some day I suspect these studies will not be "hushed" or ignored
That is why her wisdom is so needed these days Kings/Presidents talk about wars as if it is just political and they all want to add to their credit. Just see how war heroes are regarded by people. Credit goes to Ike but can anybody remember what kind of destruction it was in Nagasaki and Hieroshema?