Saturday, May 18, 2019

Adam, Eve and Divorce

Once a divorce attorney told me an interesting thing: "I found that most of the divorce happened when families get involved in a divorce. If you leave a man and a woman alone for a while without any comment/suggestion/intervention, they tend to stay together, as Adam and Eve did despite their debacle in paradise".

Let's enjoy Kishore Kumar on the same note

Youtube link:  if video does not play here


bsc said...

Seems very true I remember one fellow who got married and his mother (some motherinlaw I tell you)would not let his son sleep with her and sure enough she continued until he had no choice but to divorce his wife (He was more than simpleton) I dont know what the family problem was
O yes the families have their own agenda and many other conditions family problems etc. that definitely produce this divorce between the husband and wife
One thing I found about four wives
Are you sure you want four mothers-in-law?

mystic-soul said...

Uncle: I shared your joke at the iftar party and everybody was very amused :)