Friday, September 20, 2024

On Men, Women, Love, Lust, and Relationship

(Someone wrote on Quora)

 The brothels of the world run on this rule….

Whereas there will be a gap between the two sexual intercourses of the male...

He will jerk away from the female after the first mating.

And it is his nature to want to sleep.

Whereas the female nature is completely opposite.

She is eager to hear those words from his mouth immediately after intercourse that will tickle her...

She doesn't know that a man cannot love after love

He may yearn for love after the war.

He basically plays the role of hunter?

Yes, in civilized society this tendency is covered in beautiful clothes.

Hitler, the world's greatest dictator, used to kill five hundred men every day and write love songs with his head in his girlfriend's lap.

His cheeks would get wet while describing the past moments of separation from her.

Ashoka, enraged by the carnage in the Kalinga war, yearned for love...

He incorporated Buddhist philosophy into himself in this way

Today Ashoka and Buddhist philosophy cannot be separated.

Even Napoleon Bonaparte used to take off his armored armor and immerse himself in love, he was so romantic or dedicated to his beloved.

At this time, no poet or even a man with an innocent heart can be so dedicated.

He will play for some ten minutes.

Which will not satisfy him in any way...

To get this satisfaction, he may be eager to change his partner.

Wherever social bonds are weak, this change occurs within about six months.

But these changes neither change the situation nor his mentality...

That means he fails to love in getting love.

If it becomes an outlet for the wildness of man

So he can love, he can receive, he can give...

This is one reason why the female always leans towards the unruly male rather than the socially civilized one.

This is why spoiled guys get devoted girlfriends.

Let the boys get the tag of being socially civilized...

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What a brilliant artist - Safdar Ali Soomro

Like all other people, I was introduced to Safdar Ali Soomro after his stolen paintings were found accidentally in a Pakistani drama. I was absolutely stunned by his talent. He deserves better.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Go with the flow (?)

 Sometimes, people around you make comments that stop you to ponder. 

Two days ago, while returning from a medical conference, my flight was delayed due to a storm while I was at the gate. The airline offered passengers the option of waiting or changing to other flights. I was intending to take the offer and fly the next day.

I asked one of the passengers (a professor at Mayo Clinic) beside me what we should do. He gave an interesting reply:

" When I was not that wise and used to go with the flow and whatever came my way, I made better choices in life. Since I started thinking of myself as intelligent, I made little progress. Life is a much higher phenomenon, and the human mind, with logic, usually fails against life's curve balls. I guess I will wait."

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Talking to women

 اراض عورت سے بحث نہ کریں آپ اپنا وقت ضائع کر رہے ہیں اور مطمئن عورت سے بحث نہ کریں آپ اس کا وقت ضائع کرتے جا رہے ہیں"

[انیس منصور |

Monday, September 02, 2024


مَیں اگر سو سال بھی جغرافیے میں فیل ہوتا رہوں
اور زندگی بھر اس سکول سے باہر نہ جا سکوں
تب بھی
مَیں اس سوال کے جواب میں
کہ دنیا کا سب سے اونچا پہاڑ کون سا ہے؟
بے شک و شبہہ یہی لکھوں گا: باپ


Original Persian below