Monday, March 03, 2008

MFPS - multiple facebook personality syndrome

I was pleasantly surprised to find this mature post at Farah's world !! (with her permission)

Generation I(nternet): Talk to the Wall

"Yes, internet is a great tool. Yes, its a great way to communicate and spread ideas, network, etc. But, somehow, I get the feeling we're cheating ourselves; of the value of talking to people face to face, touching, feeling, seeing. How many senses are really involved in cyberspace?.......

I cannot help but laugh at how ridiculous we've made our world and I'm convinced God thinks we're retarded. We've given stalking a whole other meaning by having multiple, stalker facebook personalities (MFPS - multiple facebook personality syndrome) in different area codes and networks.....

How safe is it to give someone a glimpse into your world? How well DO you know that person? What are you networking on?!?! Why does your child minimize their screen the minute you walk into the room?? For God's sake TALK to the person in the next cubicle instead of instant messaging!!! Why is it that men have so many communication tools at their disposal and still have problems telling you how they feel? !"

Read whole post here

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