Sunday, July 07, 2019


I was in a departmental store to buy regular stuff for the house. As I was passing near the bedroom/home decor section, I saw the slogan: "World is turning into a bedroom", is graffiti by a marker. Someone cut the word bed and replaced it with the word bath to make it: "World is changing into a bathroom".

I am genuinely worried about the wave of populism and intolerance right now at every part of the world, and the world we are leaving for our future generation. The only hope I see is the more tolerant and educated new generation. I have to confess that,  the baby boomers and my generation never made from a crying baby into real manhood.


bsc said...

Although I understand what you are saying but just to find something more I googled Populism and read wickipedia only to get more confused
Anyway bathroom-mindedness aroused old memories of when I was not married and visited male (gentlemen?) bathroom and saw that bathroom walls art

zindagi ki diary said...

Uncle! Bathroom art is a topic I can speak for hours ;)