"I find it very inspiring. Till the day of judgment, for any Muslim, hajj and umra will not be completed unless he or she follows Hajra's footsteps. Imagine that she was a black woman. Most probably a slave. But Allah was so impressed by her struggle that this sacrifice will be repeated till the end of humanity. No other woman has such value as she does. A mother. Who was trying to find water for her baby in the desert."
Kaaba has very less to do with the Prophet Mohammad. As it was built by Ibrahim and Ismaeel, the whole place is an ode to his family. Tawaaf has been going on for thousands of years. The Arabs used to say namaz, hajj since Ibrahim's time. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) changed how it was done, but the basics remained. Saii is done as a ode to Hajira. Tawaaf starts and ends from Muqame Ibrahimi. The whole idea of Ahram for men, where they cannot hunt, wear perfume, and cannot wear sewn cloth, is almost like a cave-era man, where he walks and walks, spend a night out in the open, sleeping on the ground etc. It is a very non-Mohammedan concept.
Kaaba was integral to Hijazi Arabs as Abrahamic ritual. Muhammad never wanted them to feel offended. Do you know alif laam meem allegedly, in the beginning, was a tribute to 3 goddesses in Kaaba: Azaa, Laat, and Manat !!!